FreeBSD: How To Prevent Users from seeing information about processes owned by others
FreeBSD has inbuilt security measure to disallow users to see processes that are being run under another UID to avoid information snooping. To enable this security feature via sysctl, type the following commands:
sysctl security.bsd.see_other_uids=0 sysctl security.bsd.see_other_gids=0
To enable this security feature on boot, add the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf:
# Hide UID and GID from other users security.bsd.see_other_gids=0 security.bsd.see_other_uids=0

Bandwidth Monitoring Tools for FreeBSD and Linux: nload
Bandwidth in computer networking refers to the data rate supported by a network connection and it represents the capacity of the connection.
nload is a ncurse based network traffic analyser.
nload allow a system administrator to easily monitor the traffic going on its network. It provide both a graph of incoming and outgoing traffic as well as network data transfer statistics.

How To add Extra Repositories in Ubuntu Linux
A software repository is a storage location from which software packages may be retrieved and installed on a computer.
It's very easy to add extra repositories in Ubuntu Linux. In this article I'll show you how to add some useful repositories to your Ubuntu distribution.
First, we have to backup our sources.list by typing in terminal:
# sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak
To add extra repositories proceed with the next steps.

How To Set Up a FreeBSD Router – Step-by-Step Tutorial
This tutorial explains how to set up a FreeBSD system that will act as a network router that takes advantage of the ported version of OpenBSD's PF packet filter. A network router is a system that forwards packets from one interface to another.
1. FreeBSD Installation
Install FreeBSD by using this tutorial.
Now that you have FreeBSD installed, lets proceed with the next step.
2. FreeBSD Network Configuration
Open /etc/rc.conf in your favorite editor. You need to add a line for each network card present on the system, for example in our case we'll use two network cards: got hacked
THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, which coordinates development of the world's most popular web server software, has been the victim of a sophisticated online attack, according to an incident report published by the group.
Read more from the source

Android: Top 10 Android Applications (1)
It's time to take a look at our favorite free applications that make working and living a lot easier in Android phones. To install any of these applications, open the Android Market on your phone and search for the app by name or use Barcode Scanner.
1. Barcode Scanner
Barcode Scanner is a very useful application which allows you to scan both 1D and QR codes to look up for applications, products and other important information.
Barcode Scanner is an essential app on Android because it offers you extensive ability to look up products and share information in a second.
You will find QR codes at the end of each application so that you can quickly find apps in the Android Market using Barcode Scanner.

How To Export MySQL data to CSV file
In this article I'll show you how to export MySQL database to a CSV file.
1. Export MySQL data to CSV file using a simple "SELECT" statement
If you want to export your mysql table into a csv file you need to run the following command:
# mysql -u username -ppassword database -e "SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/filename.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n' FROM table;"
username is your mysql username
password is your mysql password
database is your mysql database
table is the table you want to export
You can find the exported CSV file in the /tmp directory. The name of the file is filename.csv.
2. Export MySQL data to CSV file using "sed"
If you want to export your mysql table into a csv file you need to run the following command:

PHP Security Tips – Securing PHP by hardening PHP configuration
When it comes to security, ignorance is definitely not blissful. There are several methods to increase the security of your PHP environment.
In this article I will discuss how to secure PHP by hardening PHP 5 configuration.
1. allow_url_fopen ( enabled by default )
This directive allows PHP's file functions ( file_get_contents, include and require statements ) to retrieve data from remote locations, like FTP or HTTP.
If an attacker can manipulate the arguments to those functions, they can use a URL under their control as the argument and run their own remote scripts. The vulnerability is called Remote file inclusion or RFI.
; Disable allow_url_fopen in php.ini for security reasons
allow_url_fopen = Off
The setting can also be applied in apache's httpd.conf :
# Disable allow_url_fopen for security reasons
php_admin_flag allow_url_fopen Off
It prevents URLs from being used in PHP. A command like include ("") will not be allowed to execute. Only files that reside within your site can be included: include("/var/www/html/").

How To monitor Apache traffic in real-time with apachetop
Apachetop is a very useful program that displays the stats for Apache in real time. Apachetop can show you how many requests per second are coming in, what files have been accessed and how many times. It can also show you who is hitting the sites and where they are coming from.
1. Installing apachetop
To install apachetop in CentOS, Fedora:
# yum install apachetop
Make sure you have DAG repository enabled.

How To mount ISO images in FreeBSD and Linux
An ISO image is an archive file (disk image) of an optical disc using a conventional ISO (International Organization for Standardization) format. ISO image files typically have a file extension of .ISO.
The name "ISO" is taken from the ISO 9660 file system used with CD-ROM media, but an ISO image can also contain UDF file system because UDF is backward-compatible to ISO 9660.
1. Procedure to mount ISO images under Linux
You can mount an ISO image via the loop device under Linux. It's possible to specify transfer functions using loop device.