
UNIX Tools: mytop – MySQL Monitoring Tool

MyTop is a console-based tool for monitoring the threads and overall performance of a MySQL server. It runs on most Unix systems. MyTop is a top clone for MySQL Server.

To install MyTop under FreeBSD, enter:

make install clean -C /usr/ports/databases/mytop

To install MyTop under CentOS, Fedora, RHEL, enter:

yum install mytop

To install MyTop under Debian, Ubuntu, enter:

sudo apt-get install mytop

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FreeBSD Tools: portaudit – FreeBSD’s Third Party Security Audit

Portaudit is a software vulnerability auditing tool for FreeBSD systems. FreeBSD's Portaudit provides a system to check if installed ports are listed in a database of published security vulnerabilities.

The ports-mgmt/portaudit port polls a database for known security issues. This database is updated and maintained by the FreeBSD Security Team and ports developers.

To begin using Portaudit, install it from the Ports Collection:

cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portaudit
make install clean
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UNIX Tools: vmstat – report virtual memory statistics

vmstat is a computer system monitor tool that collects and displays summary information about operating system memory, processes, interrupts, paging and block I/O information.


vmstat sample output

vmstat usage:

vmstat [-V] [-n] [delay [count]]

-V prints version.
-n causes the headers not to be reprinted regularly.
-a print inactive/active page stats.
-d prints disk statistics
-D prints disk table
-p prints disk partition statistics
-s prints vm table
-m prints slabinfo
-S unit size
delay is the delay between updates in seconds.
unit size k:1000 K:1024 m:1000000 M:1048576 (default is K)
count is the number of updates.

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UNIX Tools: fdupes – Get rid of duplicate files

fdupes is a  tool for identifying or deleting duplicate files residing within specified directories. It first compares file sizes and MD5 signatures, and then performs a byte-by-byte check for verification.

1. Install fdupes

Type the following commands to install fdupes in FreeBSD:

# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/fdupes
# make install clean

Type the following command to install fdupes in CentOS / Fedora / RHEL (make sure you have rpmforge repo enabled):

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Bandwidth Monitoring Tools for FreeBSD and Linux: nload

Bandwidth in computer networking refers to the data rate supported by a network connection and it represents the capacity of the connection.

nload is a ncurse based network traffic analyser.
nload allow a system administrator to easily monitor the traffic going on its network. It provide both a graph of incoming and outgoing traffic as well as network data transfer statistics.

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