FreeBSD: How To Create a Network Bridge
A device that connects two networks together into two separate network segments without having to create IP subnets and use a router to connect the segments together is called a "bridge".
To create a bridge use ifconfig command:
ifconfig bridge create
A bridge interface is created and is automatically assigned a randomly generated Ethernet address.

OpenBSD: How To Create a Transparent Bridge
A network bridge is a device which connects two parts of a network together. In this article I'll show you how to create a transparent bridge in OpenBSD.
To activate the bridge in OpenBSD run the following commands:
echo up > /etc/hostname.xl0 echo up > /etc/hostname.xl1 echo add xl0 add xl1 up > /etc/bridgename.bridge0
This will setup the two interfaces (xl0 and xl1) and add them into the bridge0.
Now, you need to enable IP forwarding so that IP packets will pass from one interface to another.
To enable ip forwarding add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf:
Once this is all done, reboot to activate.