FreeBSD: How to mount SMB/CIFS shares under FreeBSD
This document provides help on mounting SMB/CIFS shares under FreeBSD Operating System.
The mount_smbfs command mounts a share from a remote server using SMB/CIFS protocol. You can easily mount MySharedFolder share using the following syntax:
mount_smbfs -I //myUser@serverName/mySharedFolder /mnt/mySharedFolder
Where, is the IP address of the remote computer.
myUser is your user name.
serverName is NETBIOS Server Name.
mySharedFolder is CIFS share name.
/mnt/mySharedFolder is the local mount point directory.
How To Access SAMBA shares through SSH in Linux
You can access Samba shares by using SSH tunneling. We need a host computer (x.y.z.w) and a destination computer (, is located in the x.y.z.w network), we'll use adi as username and pass as password.
First we'll create a new mount directory:
# mkdir -p /mnt/share
Now we connect to it:
# ssh -N -L 139: adi@x.y.z.w
Now we have to run the following commands:
# umount /mnt/share
# mount -t smbfs -o username=adi,workgroup=WORKGROUP,password=pass,port=139,dmask=770,fmask=660,netbiosname=computer1 //localhost/share /mnt/share
x.y.z.w=computer's IP address computer
adi=samba username
WORKGROUP=your workgroup
pass=password for the share