Installing PowerDNS with MySQL backend and PowerAdmin On CentOS
PowerDNS is a MySQL-based DNS server, written in C++ and licensed under the GPL. PowerDNS can be managed through a web interface (PowerAdmin). This guide shows how to install it on CentOS 5.
1. Installing MySQL
# yum -y install mysql mysql-server
2. Enable MySQL on boot and start MySQL server
# chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on
# service mysqld start
Make sure the MySQL server is running:
# netstat -tap | grep mysql
tcp 0 0 *:mysql *:* LISTEN 28179/mysqld
3. Set password for user root
# mysqladmin -u root password your_password
Print This PostChina’s Great Firewall spreads overseas
A networking error has caused computers in Chile and the U.S. to come under the control of the Great Firewall of China, redirecting Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube users to Chinese servers.
Security experts are not sure exactly how this happened, but it appears that at least one ISP recently began fetching high-level DNS (domain name server) information from what's known as a root DNS server, based in China. That server, operated out of China by Swedish service provider Netnod, returned DNS information intended for Chinese users, effectively spreading China's network censorship overseas. China tightly controls access to a number of Web sites, using technology known colloquially as the Great Firewall of China.
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