
FreeBSD Optimizations: /etc/make.conf

The file make.conf contains system-wide settings that will apply to every build using make and the standard file. The purpose of make.conf is to control the compilation of the FreeBSD sources, documentation, and ports.

The system build procedures occur in the following areas: the world, the kernel, documentation and ports. Variables set in make.conf may be applicable in one, two, or all four of these areas. In addition, control variables can be specified for a particular build via the -D option of make or in environment.

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FreeBSD: How To Upgrade FreeBSD 7 to 8 Stable Release

FreeBSD 7.x allows upgrade of existing installation to FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE. Since this is a major version upgrade, it is recommended that you backup your data, database and configuration files.

This guide will walk a user through updating his source to follow FreeBSD's stable branch.  Please make a full backup of the current system before following this guide.

STEP 1: Syncing the source tree

- cvsup installation and configuration

# cd /usr/ports/net/cvsup-without-gui

# make install clean


# pkg_add -r cvsup-without-gui

Copy the sample supfile for Stable to /usr/local/etc/stable-supfile:

# cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile /usr/local/etc/

Edit file and set host name which specifies the server host which will supply the file updates to your system.


Set release tag to stable 8:

*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_8

Run cvsup to download the latest stable source:

# cvsup -L 2 /usr/local/etc/stable-supfile

When the cvsup has completed, change to the /usr/src directory

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